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nope its not a savestate i made in 9.5 its from 9.6
im using
DeSmuME v0.9.6 Windows 32 binary
and when i try to load a save state it freeze..?
does it work any bug ? lol i kinda play the rf1 and it stop midway when i was in fall when i press start the game pause so i kind of wonder anyone play rf2 and got any problem?
well i'm playing it now for now there is no menu glitch ^^ gonna play more so i update if any problem ? so if anyone played this game and got problem pls tell me now don't want to waste anytime ^^
is there any svn guide or instruction in how it works how you make it works and what you nid to do etc?
it work good ^^ but when i press start in game and go to the menu and when i press start again to go back to the game the char disappear
lol try it ^^ pls and send me a way to make it not disappear
im using the new version of desmume kk^^
and i think my computer is good i just buy this one
im using nvidia card well that's all i know in my comp lol^^
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