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#26 2010-06-20 17:11:34

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

1. It's slower because you didn't profiler guided optimize
2. nocash is written in assembly. desmume is written in bloated c++
3. hiding the mouse cursor is not a bad idea. it should get put on the feature requests tracker


#27 2010-06-21 06:46:39


Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

zeromus wrote:

1. It's slower because you didn't profiler guided optimize
2. nocash is written in assembly. desmume is written in bloated c++
3. hiding the mouse cursor is not a bad idea. it should get put on the feature requests tracker

1. What's that?
2. Realy? well see we need to do some work here
3. realy? you think it's ok? will i get some credit for my work? and how do i put it in request traker?
Thanks keep on having fun

#28 2010-06-21 06:52:46

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

1. let me google that for you
2. yeah, jump right on that if you wouldn't mind and let me know how it goes.
3. your credit for what work? you didnt do anything except make an idea. The faq knows how to put things on the tracker.


#29 2010-06-21 11:16:41


Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

zeromus wrote:

1. let me google that for you
2. yeah, jump right on that if you wouldn't mind and let me know how it goes.
3. your credit for what work? you didnt do anything except make an idea. The faq knows how to put things on the tracker.

To be honest i was reading a thing on assembler vs C and it said in most cases C turned out to be faster as machines can caculate faster optimisations than a human can, weired eh? Whats the most CPU intensive time critical part of the program, what part does all the emulation? would it be fesibal to write a fast asm function for that? and do just currios what programing launguges do you know? are you some sort of computer enginere? do you know any asm? and what libararys/API's does desumume use, to acces files? and run the .nds files thansk for all your help wink

#30 2010-06-21 11:17:58


Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

zeromus wrote:

1. let me google that for you
2. yeah, jump right on that if you wouldn't mind and let me know how it goes.
3. your credit for what work? you didnt do anything except make an idea. The faq knows how to put things on the tracker.

mind you it was an ok idear though... did you or anybody else think of that? do you think it could happen in the next offical build, or do i have to wirte the code for it?

#31 2010-06-21 11:21:37

Awesome Possum
Registered: 2009-02-15
Posts: 655

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

Oh great, you're back.

It's a great idea. Nobody gets credit for ideas. Stop being petty. Also, yes, other people have suggested it. In better english, too.
No, don't write any code for it. You can't. No, nobody can give you instructions and write the code for you. No, you can't take credit for that.

Yes, we're all talking about you behind your back, laughing heartily.


#32 2010-06-21 12:00:19


Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

Manivo wrote:

Oh great, you're back.

It's a great idea. Nobody gets credit for ideas. Stop being petty. Also, yes, other people have suggested it. In better english, too.
No, don't write any code for it. You can't. No, nobody can give you instructions and write the code for you. No, you can't take credit for that.

Yes, we're all talking about you behind your back, laughing heartily.

dude weres the love? why hate me so much? omg they have sujested it? sweet, my idear must be good then, mabey i should give coding a try

#33 2010-06-21 12:16:25

Awesome Possum
Registered: 2009-02-15
Posts: 655

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

You're immature, you're petty and you're disrespectful.

But more than all, you're annoying. And if that's not reason enough to hate you, what is?


#34 2010-06-21 13:07:18

Registered: 2009-12-22
Posts: 179

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

Manivo wrote:

Oh great, you're back.
No, don't write any code for it. You can't.

Dont EVER tell someone not to write code. that's the best thing that could happen to him. and to you. it can't hurt in any way, but the experience will make him somewhat more mature, and maybe less annoying for you. it's not like anyone was forced to use the code.

many good people started as annoying immatures. it's the experience that helps them grow better. you should always encourage people to try new things. especially annoying people.


#35 2010-06-21 13:21:04

Awesome Possum
Registered: 2009-02-15
Posts: 655

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

Oh fine, write code. *grumble grumble*


#36 2010-06-21 14:35:36

sketch future
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 2

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

why does the 3d function on my 9.6 virsion go slow but the 2d virsions run fine?


#37 2010-06-21 14:40:53

sketch future
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 2

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

can someone please help me with my desmume 0.9.6 3d problem? = (


#38 2010-06-21 15:00:08

Awesome Possum
Registered: 2009-02-15
Posts: 655

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

Learn to be patient, this isn't a chatroom. Also, don't post your problems in other people's threads unless they're relevant. This is not relevant.

Read the FAQ for tips on improving performance on the emulator. 3d runs slower than 2d because that's how the world works.


#39 2010-06-21 22:21:34


Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

Manivo wrote:

Oh fine, write code. *grumble grumble*

yer boy you got told!

#40 2010-06-21 22:30:05

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

yonizaf wrote:

Dont EVER tell someone not to write code. ... many good people started as annoying immatures. it's the experience that helps them grow better. you should always encourage people to try new things. especially annoying people.

Some people get fired up when theyre told they can't do things. Some people prefer the gentler approach. Here is a transcript of the gentler approach: "you are a genius snowflake and you can do anything you set your mind to and be excellent and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."


#41 2010-06-21 23:17:32

Awesome Possum
Registered: 2009-02-15
Posts: 655

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

Oh, totally. I like Zeromus' answer better. I was going for that! tongue


#42 2010-06-22 06:16:34


Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

Are you all computer engeiners for your day job?

#43 2010-06-22 06:25:06

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

No, we're spelling nazis and pedants. What's an engeiner?


#44 2010-06-22 06:26:57

Registered: 2009-12-22
Posts: 179

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

Manivo wrote:

Oh, totally. I like Zeromus' answer better. I was going for that! tongue

still, when zeromus tells people they can't do it, he still dares them to try and prove otherwise. (i've seen shash do the same. )

well, that way may fire some people up. but to tell someone they shouldn't try, it's like saying: even if you succeed, we don't want your code. who's going to try with that attitude?


#45 2010-06-22 08:00:48

Registered: 2007-03-17
Posts: 897

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

yonizaf wrote:
Manivo wrote:

Oh, totally. I like Zeromus' answer better. I was going for that! tongue

still, when zeromus tells people they can't do it, he still dares them to try and prove otherwise. (i've seen shash do the same. )

well, that way may fire some people up. but to tell someone they shouldn't try, it's like saying: even if you succeed, we don't want your code. who's going to try with that attitude?

yonizaf: Simply put, the changes he asked to be done, would be done by any decent coder in a matter of minutes. If he's asking for those changes (or any other), either he's lazy (bad code) or doesn't know how to code: botch cases end in the same, useless code.


#46 2010-06-22 08:59:54

Registered: 2009-12-22
Posts: 179

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

oh, hi shash. figured you'd show up if i mention your name.

let me just quote you:

shash wrote:

Writing a dynarec is an extremely complicated process. I'm a quite seasoned C++/asm coder, which also worked on several emulators, and see it as a titanic project. I consider that, if finding the cpu decoding is hard for you, writing a dynarec will be impossible, with your current emulation knowledge. Still, I never say something can't be done by someone, as I consider everyone can, eventually, do whatever they wish as long as they stick working on it long enough.

i liked the way you said that, and i think you were right.

also i can find for you a bunch of posts by zeromus to all kind of people who asked for certain features, where he asked them to post a patch if they ever manage to do it themselves. that even for people who proved themselves quite incompetent.


#47 2010-06-22 10:04:50

Registered: 2007-03-17
Posts: 897

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

Well, I can't argue with myself, so we better wait until the patch is submitted (if ever), and then discuss it smile


#48 2010-06-22 12:01:53

Awesome Possum
Registered: 2009-02-15
Posts: 655

Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

Man, things got really serious in what I consider a joke thread.


#49 2010-06-23 06:24:04


Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

Manivo wrote:

Man, things got really serious in what I consider a joke thread.

umm this is soo like super cerial!

#50 2010-06-27 03:10:14


Re: Build Fail @ VC++ 2010 Express?

zeromus wrote:

the problem is hardly anyone is using 2010 yet and it isnt supported. wait for someone to fix it or add piano.cpp to the vcproj

What's piano.cpp do? oh and i have 2010 becuase i donwloaded it yesterday wink

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