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#1 2024-12-31 06:54:08

Registered: 2024-12-31
Posts: 2

B2 Save File Missing / Broken

2 years ago now i had a randomized save file of pokemon black 2 where i beat the elite 4. Unfortunatly due to shuffling files on my computer (and/or moving computers) I lost/deleted the saves states that i had been using to save the game.

I know now that save states are *not* how someone should be saving their pokemon games. oops.

the files that i can find left over are a ".nds" files from the original creation - this is blank. and a ".dsv" file that i cannot use(?). My understanding is that this is a save file that the game made automatically. (based on the date of the file (a year after the original)  i am assuming this would be the hall of fame.

however previous googling (a year ago now, 2023) i was told that i needed to convert this to a ".sav" file to do anything. however my attempts to run the subsequent file also failed.

I have since shuffled files around again but i can safely say i have 4 files.

a 2021 .nds file
a 2022 .dsv file
and two 2023 .sav files labelled ".dsv.sav" presumably by the conversion software.

I would love to find a way to access the original save again. But at this point i have basically given up hope. I only though to seek out DeSmuMe-specific forums recently but was to depressed to reach out until now.

if someone could please tell me if the save (and my team) are lost for good or if there is still hope. I could look again for the save states but at this point i am confident they are gone.

Edit: as should be obvious i am not tech savy in the slightest and the fact that i managed to download and run an emulator still suprises me to this day

Last edited by 888Jazzy888 (2024-12-31 06:54:52)


#2 2024-12-31 19:25:24

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: B2 Save File Missing / Broken

The information that it must be converted to sav is wrong.  Here is how to recover your data.  It is called "the .dsv transplant".
1. Clear a new directory to work in. Place the .nds and desmume.exe in there
2. Load the NDS in desmume. Start a new game. Save it. Close desmume
3. Hunt for the .dsv desmume created just now
4. Replace it with your hears old .dsv
5. Open desmume and enjoy the old save data


#3 2025-01-26 01:19:48

Registered: 2024-12-31
Posts: 2

Re: B2 Save File Missing / Broken

Hello zeromus,

thank you for responding to my question.

i have attempted to do a ".dsv transplant" as you recommended by first putting the files in a new directory, but when the file is replaced the emulator does not seem to 'see' it. once the .dsv file is replaced and the emulator is rebooted the only option is "new game".

i also attempted to use the 'import backup memory' option which requested a ".sav" file (as i was looking for different ways to 'load' the .dsv file) and the emulator could not see that file either.

is there another way to make desmume 'see' the .dsv file, or should i just assume that the file is empty, and there is nothing to 'see'?


#4 2025-01-26 01:59:16

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: B2 Save File Missing / Broken

it doesn't sound like you did the transplant operation correctly. you said "in a new directory", which to me means "I just made it. it's empty now" but that's not what the transplant procedure said to do.


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