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#1 2024-08-04 21:29:24

Registered: 2024-08-04
Posts: 1

Black 2 Randomizer 3 glitches when first entering Pokestar studio thea

So its been running perfectly the entire time i save in game all the time load up the exact save file and now it will let me start the conversation with the npc when heading to the theater but as soon as we enter the doors and the camera pans closer to my player it stops and freezes

Last edited by Undead_Gamr19 (2024-08-04 21:32:46)


#2 2024-08-05 17:25:04

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Black 2 Randomizer 3 glitches when first entering Pokestar studio thea

Randomizer corrupts the rom. Get a refund.


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