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#1 2023-12-29 21:12:14

Registered: 2023-12-29
Posts: 5

Pokémon BW2 - How to load from internar game save, not from Load State

Hey guys, how are you?

I have a problem to Load a progress from de internal game save in Pokémon BW2, DeSmuME 0.9.12 X64.

I made a mistake when pressing a key, which loaded me with a load state, and replaced the actual progress of the game's internal memory. How to load from internal game save, no from Load State? Now, the emulator only loads my progress from the Load State and not from the internal memory.

Please, i need help. Are a lot hours of progress.

Thank you very much, and Happy New Year!



#2 2023-12-29 22:39:56

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Pokémon BW2 - How to load from internar game save, not from Load State

0.9.12 is not an official release. Not sure why you're using that. If you are using a version that has the savestate backups feature, you will have directories called (backups) in your StateSlots directory. If you lack that feature, you're screwed, unless you or your system backed up the file itself. Tip: when working hard for hours on creating a document, such as homework or a game save, you should make backups


#3 2023-12-30 01:06:35

Registered: 2023-12-29
Posts: 5

Re: Pokémon BW2 - How to load from internar game save, not from Load State

zeromus wrote:

0.9.12 is not an official release. Not sure why you're using that. If you are using a version that has the savestate backups feature, you will have directories called (backups) in your StateSlots directory. If you lack that feature, you're screwed, unless you or your system backed up the file itself. Tip: when working hard for hours on creating a document, such as homework or a game save, you should make backups

Hi Zeromus,

Thanks for you answer. Version DeSmuME 0.9.12 (X432R 64 BIT) is the one that comes installed from WinDS Pro. I didnt know this version was not official.

Ok. I have a .dsv archive. This one is a backup? The SaveState Backups function, where is it?  I never use de Save States, but i take you commentary and tip.



#4 2023-12-30 21:38:39

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Pokémon BW2 - How to load from internar game save, not from Load State

.dsv is the in-game battery save. That's different that savestate backups.

you say "I never use save states"
you also say "I made a mistake when pressing a key, which loaded me with a load state"

These statements are incompatible.


#5 2023-12-31 23:07:54

Registered: 2023-12-29
Posts: 5

Re: Pokémon BW2 - How to load from internar game save, not from Load State

zeromus wrote:

.dsv is the in-game battery save. That's different that savestate backups.

you say "I never use save states"
you also say "I made a mistake when pressing a key, which loaded me with a load state"

These statements are incompatible.

The difference is clear to me, I don't need to repeat it. What I need is, from the .dsv, to recover the saved state in-game. Since I'm currently loaded with a very primary game. Do you know how to do it?


#6 2024-01-01 04:43:19

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Pokémon BW2 - How to load from internar game save, not from Load State

You need to repeat it if you want me to help. You're delusional, you don't recover "saved state" from "dsv". You may recover something like "game progress" from "dsv".

The internal memory (dsv) was clobbered when you loaded the state accidentally (you delusionally think you don't use savestates so you don't see how this is possible).

There is no way to recover it unless you have "(backups)" or actual hard drive backups.

You may have a dsv. Great, hooray, applause. But the dsv may be clobbered.

If you have a backup of a dsv prior to the clobbering simply close desmume and overwrite desmume's dsv with your backup.

Regrettably, I went into more detail than I prefer here, and made it sound enigmatic. It's really not. It's simple.

1. Desmume drops .dsv whenever it's closed containing the internal memory
2. Desmume drops .dsv whenever a state is loaded
3. Desmume loads .dsv when it's booted.

Those 3 piece of data are entirely enough for you to solve your problems yourself, supposing you have enough old copies of old date.


#7 2024-01-01 18:16:41

Registered: 2023-12-29
Posts: 5

Re: Pokémon BW2 - How to load from internar game save, not from Load State

zeromus wrote:

You need to repeat it if you want me to help. You're delusional, you don't recover "saved state" from "dsv". You may recover something like "game progress" from "dsv".

The internal memory (dsv) was clobbered when you loaded the state accidentally (you delusionally think you don't use savestates so you don't see how this is possible).

There is no way to recover it unless you have "(backups)" or actual hard drive backups.

You may have a dsv. Great, hooray, applause. But the dsv may be clobbered.

If you have a backup of a dsv prior to the clobbering simply close desmume and overwrite desmume's dsv with your backup.

Regrettably, I went into more detail than I prefer here, and made it sound enigmatic. It's really not. It's simple.

1. Desmume drops .dsv whenever it's closed containing the internal memory
2. Desmume drops .dsv whenever a state is loaded
3. Desmume loads .dsv when it's booted.

Those 3 piece of data are entirely enough for you to solve your problems yourself, supposing you have enough old copies of old date.

"You may have a dsv. Great, hooray, applause", Do you feel good?

Don't get mad, I don't necessarily have to be a world programming expert on DeSmuMe. That's why I'm consulting. It's a matter of understanding each other.

"The internal memory (dsv) was clobbered when you loaded the state accidentally", this is what I feared, and from your comment, I confirm it. I needed an authorized support to remove any doubts.

Now I confirm how .dsv works, States, etc., and that the Internal Battery can be overwritten. Unfortunately I don't have backups made, but I will from now on.

Thanks for the support Zeromus.


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