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#1 2022-08-29 23:57:50

Registered: 2022-08-29
Posts: 1

How do i stop the game from lagging when spirit zelda appears?

So i started playing Spirit Tracks on desmume today and everything went smoothly, upscaling didn't cause any slowdowns and i could just progress in the game as normally until Zelda lost her body. Now everytime her spirit model appears in the game, the game just slows down to a huge degree regardless of amount of upscaling i use. Does anyone know how i can fix this?


#2 2022-08-31 04:37:44

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: How do i stop the game from lagging when spirit zelda appears?

change config > 3d settings to use softrasterizer (or an opengl choice, if it's already on softrasaterizer).


#3 2022-09-02 05:13:02

Registered: 2011-06-04
Posts: 380

Re: How do i stop the game from lagging when spirit zelda appears?

Spirit Tracks is notorious for causing texture thrashing. This doesn't cause problems for a hardware NDS, which reads directly from ROM. However, DeSmuME's texture system requires all textures to be cached before use. Texture thrashing isn't a big deal when the native NDS textures are cached. But if Texture Deposterize and Texture Upscaling are used, texture thrashing can slow DeSmuME down a lot, especially for systems with weak CPU. Unfortunately, whenever Spirit Zelda appears, this causes the game to texture thrash like mad.

You really should turn off Texture Deposterize and set Texture Upscaling to 1x (the native size) when running this game. Spirit Tracks really hates these settings.


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