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#1 2019-05-01 20:21:04

Registered: 2019-05-01
Posts: 2

Export save from Inds yo Desmume on pc and backwards

I am having an issue trying to import the save file on Inds to Desmume on my pc. I have seen other topics that seems to have solved the issue, but after several hours modifying the save file haven’t found a way to make it work. I’d hope for a visual solution, some kind of video tutorial or sort.

Also I’d like to know how to do the process backwards. The idea is to play either in my iPhone or my pc moving the save files.

As addendum, also how to make the file readable for pkhex so trade evolution could be a thing.

Thanks in advance.


#2 2019-05-01 22:45:04

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Export save from Inds yo Desmume on pc and backwards

the video solution will be on youtube.
use file > import backup memory.
If that doesn't work, then your source backup memory is garbage. Wrong extension, wrong format, something wrong with it.
To get from desmume, use file > export backup memory and try both of the options depending on your needs


#3 2019-05-02 12:02:59

Registered: 2019-05-01
Posts: 2

Re: Export save from Inds yo Desmume on pc and backwards

Well, after a few hours of going back and forth, I have managed to do it, the whole process. I will describe it so other people can do it.

Previous considerations: We are gonna need a hex program, to "cut and paste" the filler that is used so Iphone memory can read the file. I have used HxD for this matter.
Second, we will need to see the extension files in our computer. To do so, open the register (Windows+R) write "regedit" and go to this direction: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced  Then look for HiddenFileExt, double click, and change the value to 0. Reboot.
To make the process a bit faster, enable dropbox sync in Inds.

Now, we begin:

-Take the dsv file that it is not a save state. If your lastest save was done with this method, enter the game in inds, and save "ingame".
-Place it in a folder, and make a copy of it, just in case things go south. The open with Hxd.
-At the end of all the coding, you will see something like this "snip above to make a raw save file". We have to erase all the ÿ above that sentence, until there is different coding. Beware a couple things: start from bottom to top, there are other coding areas where this ÿ symbol appears, but the only ones required are those "next" to the sentence. If it is your first time, open the wordpad, cut all the ÿ, and paste them there, and save. They will be required later.
-Save and close HxD, and change the extension from .dsv to .sav file.
-Now, copy or move the save file to the battery folder of desmume.
-Run desmume, using the same rom used in Inds (or with the same name), then go to file-import backup memory, and select your save.
-If all was done correctly, now you are playing your game on your pc. Congrats, this is the first part.

Second part (only for pokemon games)
-Save your game in desmume. Then select file-export backup memory.  This will generate a save readable for pkhex. After you have modified whatever you feel like, export the save from pokehex, play it on desmume (repeat the file-import backup memory) then save again.

Third Part.
-Save your game on desmume. Then go to file-export backup memory. NAME THE FILE EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE ROM YOU WILL BE PLAYING IN INDS. Place the sav file somewhere else ( faster if you do it in the same folder used to modify the original save from Inds)
-Open Hxd, open the wordpad with the ÿ.
-TRICKY PART: now we have the ÿ symbol BELOW the sentence "snip above here...". We will have to erase them (again, there are a lot). And then paste the symbol above the sentence. If it was done correctly, the last row should be 00080070.
-Save, and then change the extension from .sav to .dsv
-Move the new .dsv file to the dropbox folder where your saves are.
-If the whole thing was done correctly, you should play normally.

Hope it works for you. Have a nice time playing!


#4 2023-06-10 19:17:51

Registered: 2023-06-10
Posts: 3

Re: Export save from Inds yo Desmume on pc and backwards

I hope you see this, your thread is the only thing I can find only pertaining specifically to my situation. I’ve followed your steps perfectly but I cannot find the yyyyy’s and snipe for the life of me using hex please respond and explain this in a way Dumbys would even understand….


#5 2023-09-11 19:48:07

Registered: 2023-09-11
Posts: 1

Re: Export save from Inds yo Desmume on pc and backwards

Solution to Transferring MelonDS .sav save state to iNDS:

Required Software:
- MelonDS on Android or PC
-Desmume on PC
iNDS on IOS or iPadOS

1) Copy the .sav file from MelonDS and paste it into the "Battery" Folder of Desmume on your PC. MAKE SURE THE Battery FFOLDER IS OTHERWISE EMPTY AND THE .sav FILE IS THE ONLY FILE IN IT. Also make sure the .sav File has the EXACT SAME Name as the ROM you are using on Desmume. For simplicity it is easiest if you use the same ROM on all Emulators for this process to work without too much renaming of the save files.

2) Run your ROM on desmume and the savestate will pop up as it would on console (it says load save in game with your Name and time played)

3) Congrats now you should be playing your Game on Desmume on PC.

4) Save the game ingame via pressing X hotkey save etc... wait till it sais you saved the game. while the game is still running you can open Desmume´s Battery Folder. there should appear a new .dsv File
with the exact same Name as your original .sav file.

5) Delete the .sav File so now there is only the .dsv MAKE SURE THE .dsv has TH EXACT SAME NAME as the ROM used by iNDS.

6) Copy the Battery Folder into iNDS Documents using iCloud.

7) Run iNDS.
select your ROM and press launch normally.

8)your save should Pop up in game with your Name and time played, click on it.

9) Congrats you have transferred your MelonDS savestate to IOS.

Last edited by Supero (2023-09-11 19:50:20)


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