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#1 2008-08-03 20:03:32

Registered: 2008-08-02
Posts: 2

Pheonix Wright Save Problem (and 2 other minor problems)

Hello everyone, I am running on a late 2007 24 inch mac. I got the first Pheonix Wright game and when i try to save in game it says "save failed". When I try to load a save state I will get beach balled (basicly it crashes). Is there anyway to fix this problem? I read a similar post but i didn't find a real answer to my problem.

That is my really big problem, the other 2 are minor problems

My first minor problem is that the framerate is higher then the game is supposed to be. But when i go into the court record the framerate gets pretty slow and runs slower then the game is supposed to be. Also the music is affected because of the framerate, when the framerate is high the music is playing really fast. But when the framerate is slow, the music starts playing really slowly. Is that just because its an emulation? Or can it be fixed

My last problem is with graphics, the graphics is emulated to perfection, except when I hit OBJECTION the bottom screen seems to get screwed up, I would try to Screen shot for you guys... But the objection lasts for a second and its very hard to XD. Anyway yeah thats a pretty small problem too.... Just wondering if any1 knows what to do. I can live with it, just wondering.

If anyone can help me, It would be much appreciated. Thank you all very much


#2 2008-08-07 09:04:37

Registered: 2008-04-06
Posts: 47

Re: Pheonix Wright Save Problem (and 2 other minor problems)

I'll add a frame-rate limiter to my to-do list (for the emulating too fast problem). As for the other issues, compatibility and speed will get better over time.


#3 2008-08-19 08:05:23

Registered: 2008-04-06
Posts: 47

Re: Pheonix Wright Save Problem (and 2 other minor problems)

I've added a speed limiter so it won't go too fast (it also uses less system resources in those times where it would be going too fast), it'll be in the next release.


#4 2008-10-07 13:49:01

Registered: 2008-10-07
Posts: 5

Re: Pheonix Wright Save Problem (and 2 other minor problems)

Okay, I got similar problems...

Well, regarding that speed Phoenix Wright I'm actually experiencing slow framerates instead of too high framerates. (I guess a 2,9Ghz processor is enough? ;D)

And saving doesn't work in Phoenix Wright, that's true. I found out that PW is using a 512kbit EEPROM...but setting the save type to EEPROM 512kbit doesn't work either. Though, saving seems to be working in Metroid Prime Hunters. (I only own these two games...I really need to buy some new games. *sighs* Gimme money! >_<)

Well, I compiled the latest SVN revision (1020 it was) and ...Phoenix Wright runs with an even lower framerate than before, slower than on my DS at least. ...I'm a bit confused right now...


#5 2008-10-21 18:51:13

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 2

Re: Pheonix Wright Save Problem (and 2 other minor problems)

Tiki--I've the same problems; I tend to ignore the defects from the minor problems you listed, and as for the save glitch, I just select "No" when prompted to save and use the save state function instead


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