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#1 2019-01-20 06:04:30

Registered: 2018-04-29
Posts: 33

Eliminate Option and Mass Select Feature for Cheat Search

Hey again, I meant to ask this a long while ago but kept spacing it. I was wondering if you could add an "Eliminate" function to the Cheat Search feature for DeSmuMe, this would definitely help with eliminating values you won't need or have already used. I would also like to request the ability to mass select (Shift+Click) however many offsets/values I want so I can mass eliminate in case there is ever a moment where I need to do process of elimination to get to the offset/value I want or need. I made a little mock-up of the concept so you can get a general idea. Thanks in advance for taking a look at the request!

Last edited by DeadSkullzJr (2019-01-20 06:06:10)


#2 2019-01-20 08:51:56

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Eliminate Option and Mass Select Feature for Cheat Search

do not use cheat search. where did cheat search even come from? I don't think I've ever even _seen_ that tool before. ram search is better. we should delete cheat search.


#3 2019-01-20 09:13:17

Registered: 2018-04-29
Posts: 33

Re: Eliminate Option and Mass Select Feature for Cheat Search

zeromus wrote:

do not use cheat search. where did cheat search even come from? I don't think I've ever even _seen_ that tool before. ram search is better. we should delete cheat search.

Noooo please don't get rid of it....It actually does help, I have used both features before, RAM search obviously being the best option, but I actually like the cheat search feature as well, it has helped me quite a few times with some of the codes I have made over time.


#4 2019-01-20 09:20:43

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Eliminate Option and Mass Select Feature for Cheat Search

ram search does everything cheat search does.


#5 2019-01-20 09:24:58

Registered: 2018-04-29
Posts: 33

Re: Eliminate Option and Mass Select Feature for Cheat Search

zeromus wrote:

ram search does everything cheat search does.

I am aware of that, however bare in mind that the cheat search function also helps those just starting to debug games. When I first started making cheats I used the cheat search function, slowly as I progressed in knowledge I used the RAM search function more than the cheat search function, I still use it though for simple searches and what not.

Last edited by DeadSkullzJr (2019-01-20 09:25:23)


#6 2019-01-20 09:37:02

From: USA
Registered: 2014-04-11
Posts: 346

Re: Eliminate Option and Mass Select Feature for Cheat Search

Ah just leave it.  its going to be extra work to remove it anyways.  i dont use it but i could see how a beginner could use it to start off with.


#7 2019-01-20 10:23:47

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Eliminate Option and Mass Select Feature for Cheat Search

Having a simpler version of an advanced tool is NOT an adequate justification to keep garbage around in desmume's already garbaged-up codebase. I'll leave it because fintogive asked me to but I'm not going to add features to it. If you put a bug on github, maybe one of the guys who works on cheats and tools will do it, but I will warn you now, I will edit your feature request for it to be complimentary to the cheat search dialog. For instance if you say "add a bulk eliminate button to the cheat search dialog" you will discover later that it says "add a bulk eliminate button to the complementary, wizard-like cheat search xanadu-like roses-smelling steak dinner dialog for fine people with discriminating tastes"


#8 2019-01-20 11:47:11

Registered: 2018-04-29
Posts: 33

Re: Eliminate Option and Mass Select Feature for Cheat Search

zeromus wrote:

Having a simpler version of an advanced tool is NOT an adequate justification to keep garbage around in desmume's already garbaged-up codebase. I'll leave it because fintogive asked me to but I'm not going to add features to it. If you put a bug on github, maybe one of the guys who works on cheats and tools will do it, but I will warn you now, I will edit your feature request for it to be insulting to the cheat search dialog. For instance if you say "add a bulk eliminate button to the cheat search dialog" you will discover later that it says "add a bulk eliminate button to the redundant stupid cheat search garbage dialog for dummies"

Go for it, people will know though that I never said this, honestly you should be much more professional about how you go about things. It wouldn't be so "garbaged" if you actually did something about it and fixed it, complaining and calling it names doesn't get the job done. Not only me but other people will keep making requests related to these features, you are gonna have to deal with it until you do something about it. Thanks for keeping it in though.


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