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#1 2019-01-11 08:25:04

From: USA
Registered: 2014-04-11
Posts: 346

full screen doubled up frozen graphics

what causes this?  can it be fixed?   this only happens in full screen mode.  also with full screen can the ds screens be stretched to the edge of the computer screen instead of having  the extra space on the sides?


#2 2019-01-11 14:39:55

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

using a buggy display method causes that. choose a different display method.

view > maintain aspect ratio


#3 2019-01-11 17:51:26

Registered: 2018-04-29
Posts: 33

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

zeromus wrote:

using a buggy display method causes that. choose a different display method.

view > maintain aspect ratio

I have the same issue as well on every single computer I have. Using DirectDraw HW and DirectDraw SW seem to make this happen, I set it to OpenGL which seems to work fine for it when fullscreening. I still recommend you look into this though because if this affects five computers that I have, then there is some type of issue, that's way too many coincidences of the same issue lol.


#4 2019-01-11 20:31:12

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

actually, it's your (windows 10) operating system's buggy implementation of the directdraw display method. I don't need to look into it. Change the display method option


#5 2019-01-11 23:27:23

From: USA
Registered: 2014-04-11
Posts: 346

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

ok well what about this?  so that the screens are actually using all the space it can.


#6 2019-01-12 20:26:26

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

Change the maintain aspect ratio option


#7 2019-01-13 00:29:03

From: USA
Registered: 2014-04-11
Posts: 346

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

that would be fine if it weren't stretching the picture and making it distorted.  the emulator DS screens touch edge to edge of the emulator window in the vertical position and single screen mode.  so can it be edited to work the same in the horizontal position? aka example in the picture linked above?


#8 2019-01-13 06:03:43

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

Turn off the pad to integer option?


#9 2019-01-14 01:11:51

From: USA
Registered: 2014-04-11
Posts: 346

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

tried it.  didnt make it any better


#10 2019-01-14 04:17:31

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

I can't tell anything from your resized pictures. Why did you show me one picture with it the way you want (top), and another picture with it not the way you want (bottom)? Do whatever you did to make the top picture and leave it that way.


#11 2019-01-14 08:50:54

From: USA
Registered: 2014-04-11
Posts: 346

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

the top is photoshopped.  its an example of what i would like it to be.  i did that so it would be easy to understand.


#12 2019-01-14 11:18:07

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

i need it not resized. With an image that's not solid white. With the view menu open showing that you have "pad to integer" chosen, most likely


#13 2019-01-16 03:09:41

From: USA
Registered: 2014-04-11
Posts: 346

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics


and here.

by the way i noticed something  in openGL 3.2 (doesnt happen in soft)  objects that have graphics on the edge of the game model over lap  to the opposite side.  its hard to explain but the pictures above show this issues.  i noticed it a year ago ago i just forgot to do a bug report on it.  looks like something that rogerman could fix though.


#14 2019-01-16 04:20:00

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

put a bug on github or make another issue here and hope rogerman notices. also find another example. that one is a little weird.


#15 2019-01-16 05:11:43

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

I fixed the screens to use all the space. Don't ask me to fix the window layout any more. It is a huge waste of my time. It's easily the most wrecked code I've seen in my entire life.


#16 2019-01-16 11:14:17

From: USA
Registered: 2014-04-11
Posts: 346

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

thank you for fixing it. and ok i will.  but you say that with most of desmume's code.  seems to over all work pretty good despite it running "garbage or wrecked code"

perhaps melon ds will pick up  what desmume has failed to offer properly. (working wifi and local wireless, proper functioning hacking tools and such) if that happens i promise i wont bug you no more with bug reports. pun intended.


#17 2019-01-18 03:46:24

Registered: 2018-04-29
Posts: 33

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

zeromus wrote:

I fixed the screens to use all the space. Don't ask me to fix the window layout any more. It is a huge waste of my time. It's easily the most wrecked code I've seen in my entire life.

You mention that it’s the most “wrecked code in my entire life”. If that’s the case then why not improve it so it isn’t wrecked code? Would you really settle to have this “wrecked” code in your own software? As a developer, I always thought they offered the best they can, not partial or “half assed” as I like to call it, content in whatever they are making. For the sake of the software, it’s best you improve the feature and clean it up so it’s no longer a problem now or in the future, just because things seem to “work” doesn’t always mean it’s working the way it should work under the hood. There is something in common between people and code, that is both are flawed, however both can improve as well if you try hard enough. Like I said though, if you’d prefer to settle for the least for the outcome and not polish it, you are basically asking for potential future trouble from it. I should know from experience with projects I have done in the past, no they weren’t software related, but the concept of settling for least and half assing still provides the same outcome no matter what, you will run into trouble. I learned that lesson years ago, it honestly feels great when you do it right too, you may even learn something you probably didn’t know in the process to, that’s what makes it fun!


#18 2019-01-18 04:10:12

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

When you grow up and take on increased responsibilities you'll discover there isn't time to do even a tenth of what you'd like to do


#19 2019-01-18 05:27:02

Registered: 2018-04-29
Posts: 33

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

zeromus wrote:

When you grow up and take on increased responsibilities you'll discover there isn't time to do even a tenth of what you'd like to do

Oh believe me, I know a lot about increased responsibilities, let me put it to you this way, teaching is one of my major responsibilities, babysitting is another one of my responsibilities, being a big brother is another, lastly my research and the college I plan to go to so I can get into the medical field (I plan to be a doctor, what type though I haven't quite decided yet, still reading books and doing online research), I have to pay what I can with the little money I make, rarely being able to get the things I want with whatever I have left over. I went from having free time to not even having half the day to do anything, I spend most of my evenings trying to relax and do what I want while I still can (I take advantage of my night owl ability lol). Sure I can talk to people but that's just a perk of multitasking on the go (especially with one damn hand most of the time since I am usually holding or doing various tasks with the other). I personally have a lot of projects now myself, I have a lot I want to get done but can't attend to when I want, however when I have the free time I do what I can when I can, some days I take a break from it and move on to other things, this is partly why my cheat databases project takes a while to update. The idea isn't about rushing a fix out quickly, or getting it done overnight. I said what I said not to rush you, I am well aware that you have other responsibilities outside of the emulator, your delays with comments here make that evident as well. What I am saying is just work on it when you can, whenever you plan to get the fix out there is when it will come, take your time, work on it around your schedule. The point is you are looking into it and doing something about it rather than doing the usual developer action and just leaving it in to break something else. As long as you don't pull the Microsoft move and stack bugs on bugs, I think you can pull it off, it will just take a bit to really get it out there, which is fine because then we all know it's fine tuned and ready to go with less bugs. I have learned one thing over time though, that is to prioritize what's important to me first then make whatever else second, it makes things slightly easier and less stressful, set some goals up for yourself as well, goals help you keep going once you accomplish each one.


#20 2019-01-18 05:45:22

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

Thanks for believing in me, man. But don't hold your breath waiting for it.


#21 2019-01-18 05:53:19

Registered: 2018-04-29
Posts: 33

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

zeromus wrote:

Thanks for believing in me, man. But don't hold your breath waiting for it.

Thanks for letting me know, was about to pass out from doing so lol. Anyways, good luck with whatever you got going on, hope things work out for the best.


#22 2019-01-18 06:21:26

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

I like that you list being a big brother as one of your responsibilities. You can let all the other stuff slip, but not that one. Well, you can't let the babies burn the house down either. But besides that one, all of them.


#23 2019-01-18 06:29:30

Registered: 2018-04-29
Posts: 33

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

zeromus wrote:

I like that you list being a big brother as one of your responsibilities. You can let all the other stuff slip, but not that one. Well, you can't let the babies burn the house down either. But besides that one, all of them.

It's a special responsibility I think, me being the oldest of them all, having to teach them things along the way, I don't always make the best calls with them, but that's part of learning I think, it also prepares me for when I become a father in the future, I can only hope I become the father my children want and need. The best part is when I get to mess with them lol, the worst part is having to watch them grow up from cute little siblings to teenagers, soon adults. When I say that I don't mean that as in the state of annoyance, I mean that in a sad way....I just had to teach my baby sister about the reproductive system because she's learning it in school....Things like this kinda hurt because they are growing up. I hold being a big brother 10x higher than everything else I listed, I won't stand to fail being a big brother, I make mistakes but that's part of life.


#24 2024-04-20 22:46:40

Registered: 2024-04-20
Posts: 1

Re: full screen doubled up frozen graphics

DeadSkullzJr wrote:
zeromus wrote:

When you grow up and take on increased responsibilities you'll discover there isn't time to do even a tenth of what you'd like to do

Oh believe me, I know a lot about increased responsibilities, let me put it to you this way, teaching is one of my major responsibilities, babysitting is another one of my responsibilities, being a big brother is another, lastly my research and the college I plan to go to so I can get into the medical field (I plan to be a doctor, what type though I haven't quite decided yet, still reading books and doing online research), I have to pay what I can with the little money I make, I can even take guaranteed $200 loan and rarely being able to get the things I want with whatever I have left over. I went from having free time to not even having half the day to do anything, I spend most of my evenings trying to relax and do what I want while I still can (I take advantage of my night owl ability lol). Sure I can talk to people but that's just a perk of multitasking on the go (especially with one damn hand most of the time since I am usually holding or doing various tasks with the other). I personally have a lot of projects now myself, I have a lot I want to get done but can't attend to when I want, however when I have the free time I do what I can when I can, some days I take a break from it and move on to other things, this is partly why my cheat databases project takes a while to update. The idea isn't about rushing a fix out quickly, or getting it done overnight. I said what I said not to rush you, I am well aware that you have other responsibilities outside of the emulator, your delays with comments here make that evident as well. What I am saying is just work on it when you can, whenever you plan to get the fix out there is when it will come, take your time, work on it around your schedule. The point is you are looking into it and doing something about it rather than doing the usual developer action and just leaving it in to break something else. As long as you don't pull the Microsoft move and stack bugs on bugs, I think you can pull it off, it will just take a bit to really get it out there, which is fine because then we all know it's fine tuned and ready to go with less bugs. I have learned one thing over time though, that is to prioritize what's important to me first then make whatever else second, it makes things slightly easier and less stressful, set some goals up for yourself as well, goals help you keep going once you accomplish each one.

Really nice message here

Last edited by HenryCavills (2024-04-21 23:31:39)


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