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Im sure this has been asked many times but why couldn't desumue support GBA roms? Since a real DS uses the arm7 cpu to run gba titles? why cant desmume? in my opinion it would be cool to have a 2 in 1 emulator. Just saying.
desmume could support GBA roms and sega genesis roms too, why not? because not everyone thinks its cool like you do.
but heres a better technical reason, because it mucks up the code and slows it down to be able to support gba and nds both. sure, other people do it, with mucked up code.
not that desmume's code isn't totally mucked up, but mucking it up more isnt going to help anything.
hmmm... good point... dont need it to be any slower lol. i wonder if thats why dolphin emu never seems to get all its bugs worked out. hmm. just a thopught but what about using a separate dll file to run only when gba roms are ran that way it doesnt muck up the code? i dont know. just thinking out my rear here lol.
Last edited by fintogive (2016-02-21 09:59:34)
so desmume is now an exe which loads two completely separate dlls? why not just have to completely separate exes?
not that desmume's code isn't totally mucked up, but mucking it up more isnt going to help anything.
does it still map the ARM9 BIOS to 0x0F000000 instead of 0xFFFF0000?
Kuribo64 - If you're wondering where Mario__ is, he's currently saving Peach__ once again.