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#1 2014-08-31 17:45:34

Registered: 2014-08-31
Posts: 3

Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times

Hi, new to the site.

I've used DeSmuME for quite some time and have always preferred it for the smooth emulation.

I've recently started playing a game called Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times, where it's nigh' unplayable. The visual flickers/stutters (I believe it's alternating with removing and images to the visual) throughout the majority of the gameplay.

I believe I've pretty much exhausted all the options I could toggle with to reduce or stop the flicker/stutter to bo avail... and as I have not seen any posts particularly about this game I wanted to check in with people more knowledgeable about this issue than I am.

What I mean when I say they flicker or stutter:

Image 1:


Image 2:


I'm unable to capture the "flicker" with these screenshots, but the best way to imagine it is only one or possibly both screens should be showing the same image... yet what I'm seeing is a mesh of rapid iterations of the two which creates a flicker or stutter like effect.

Note: This is a screenshot of the same image shot milliseconds after the other. I did not change the LCD Layout.

I've tried everything I believe from how the ROM loads to how it's Viewed and almost every Configuration (no matter the performance impact)

Help would be great if possible.


Last edited by Rayan_J (2014-08-31 17:50:05)


#2 2014-08-31 18:10:18

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times

sounds like you just laboriously described a standard kind of bug, dual-screen 3d flickering. most of these were fixed long ago. i've never seen this game before, I'll check it out.
I know you said you didnt change the LCD layout (between the two screenshots) but check and see if "top on first" is selected or if something else is selected.


#3 2014-08-31 18:18:49

Registered: 2014-08-31
Posts: 3

Re: Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times

Ahh! Thanks you! big_smile

It was on "Main screen first" -- not entirely sure when I changed this, but it was probably the only thing I didn't touch.

Changing it to "Top first (default)" stops the flickering. big_smile

Hmm, I'm guessing the other options don't mesh well with the game.


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