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#1 2014-08-02 02:47:31

Registered: 2010-04-21
Posts: 211

Ratatouille: Missing top or bottom screen on some stage

Game Name:- Ratatouille (any regions)
Desmume version:- Any version
Problem:- Missing bottom screen on stage 3 (cooking games), mission top screen on stage 4 (sewer area) etc...

I wanna play this games, but can't continue because of missing screen on stage 3, stage 4 etc. On stage 1, this games run fine, no problem! Also for stage 2 as well. Just only problem is Stage 3 (cooking games) is now missing bottom screen or just black screen! Here the picture!


Using any version of Desmume OR just all version, doesn't solve this problem... sad Playing this games on No$gba are fine at all! Here the screen for Stage 3 (cooking games) which have bottom screen right now! smile


Next, on Stage 4 (just skip it from stage 3). This time, the top screen was blackout!!!


Here the showed screen on No$gba!


That all, for other stages... I don't know because I stop playing this games forever until you fix them right now! smile


#2 2014-08-02 16:45:22

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Ratatouille: Missing top or bottom screen on some stage

this game works fine in desmume. looks like you have no 3d. disable your jit or change 3d renderers.


#3 2014-08-09 09:02:19

Registered: 2010-04-21
Posts: 211

Re: Ratatouille: Missing top or bottom screen on some stage

zeromus wrote:

this game works fine in desmume. looks like you have no 3d. disable your jit or change 3d renderers.

I already changed, but still same.... sad Anyway, what stage are you playing? You must play it until you showed picture likes above. Are you using 32 bit OR 64 bit? Playing this games on STAGE 1 (Which the rat was collecting mushrooms) and is almost OK with both top and bottom screen was showed! On STAGE 2 (which the rat was finding something before the guy showed to throw away the rat), the screen was almost showed on both screens! On STAGE 3 (which is cooking games), just only TOP SCREEN was showed but BOTTOM SCREEN was blackout! I skipped into STAGE 4 (at sewer area) and just BOTTOM SCREEN was showed, but TOP SCREEN was blackout!

Remember! You must play this games continue until you are in Stage 3 (the rat was learned to cook)! Also for stage 4. About JIT, is doesn't matter because I play this games on version 0.9.7 (that JIT was not introduced yet) and also got blackout screen on STAGE 3 and STAGE 4. If you confused, I will upload the screenshot later! Just remember again,  play the games  for truth! Don't stop! smile

This games was almost OK everything on No$gba! To, rogerman, can you play this games on your MAC version please? For anyone, please play this games and watch carefully right now!  For the last my message, this games was never-never fixed at all on Desmume version 0.9.7, 0.9.8, 0.9.9, 0.9.10 and any latest SVN, within or without JIT fuction. Changing 3D setting was never-never solved at all. sad

Any problem about this games, please PM me as azary1977 at NGEMU website OR AsPika2219 at GBATemp or GameHacking website! Once more, I am CODE HACKER right now! big_smile


#4 2014-08-09 16:29:20

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Ratatouille: Missing top or bottom screen on some stage

well, i certainly didnt play through more than the first stage I got in to. The game is so boring, and I couldn't do one kind of chopping. Can you save the game after stage 2 and send a .dsv?


#5 2014-08-09 23:34:51

Registered: 2010-04-21
Posts: 211

Re: Ratatouille: Missing top or bottom screen on some stage

LOL... Boring? Don't worry! Just relax! Here the save game file!

Filetrip =>
Zippyshare =>

You wanna codes? Here! Made by myself, plus some of them was made by Codejunkies!

Infinite Lives

621AD03C 00000000
B21AD03C 00000000
20001210 0000000A
D2000000 00000000

Infinite Health

621AC958 00000000
B21AC958 00000000
200002FC 0000000D
D2000000 00000000

Moon Jump (press A + B, don't jump too high OR you almost die!)

94000130 FFFC0000
621AC958 00000000
B21AC958 00000000
00000030 00000100
D2000000 00000000

Meter almost empty (Human can't see you at Stage 2)

0222DFF4 00000000
0222E014 00000000

I hope you enjoy this BORING games! LOL... big_smile After that, please fix it because is very LONG YEAR was not fixed!


#6 2014-08-10 04:46:50

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Ratatouille: Missing top or bottom screen on some stage

Thanks, that dsv will be helpful. But unfortunately for you, you did not get the rule book. When someone tells a programmer when to fix a bug, he waits another year before fixing it.  So, I can't fix the bug for another year.

Or maybe it's fixed in r5046, but next time you won't be so lucky.

For the record: the game saved BG scroll register values before the loading screen, and restored them after the loading screen. however, the BG scroll registers arent readable, and always return 0. Then, stage 3 relied on them being accidentally set to 0 by this bug. Desmume had it's own bug, and allowed those registers to be read (desmume probably has many bugs like this). So I fixed it so those registers are always read as 0.


#7 2014-08-11 00:55:47

Registered: 2010-04-21
Posts: 211

Re: Ratatouille: Missing top or bottom screen on some stage

Thanks Zeromus! Playing Stage 3 and.... FINALLY HAVE BOTTOM SCREEN!!!!
Skip to Stage 4 and.... FINALLY HAVE TOP SCREEN!!!! big_smile

Time to enjoy the games and make the codes!!!  smile

Problem solved! wink


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