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#1 2014-03-08 05:57:57

Registered: 2014-03-08
Posts: 2

Golden Sun Dark Dawn is incompatible with your emulator

The title says it all. There are tons of glitches and sound screw ups every where in the game. If I could possible provide you with more info just ask and i'll get it for you. Not sure if your emulator has a bug report feature but just let me know.


#2 2014-03-08 06:16:09

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Golden Sun Dark Dawn is incompatible with your emulator

it reportedly works fine if you enable advanced spu logic. check the internet for lots of people emulating it.


#3 2014-03-08 17:05:41

Registered: 2014-03-08
Posts: 2

Re: Golden Sun Dark Dawn is incompatible with your emulator

SWEET! Now i don't have to play this on my ds anymore. I prefer playing games on a computer. Bigger screen and all. I saw a video on youtube that showed how to configure it. Works fantastic now. Thanks man.

Last edited by gamelover85 (2014-03-08 17:46:01)


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