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That is the error that pops up when I attempt to load my rom. Yesterday it worked fine, and runs my few other ones still without trouble, but as this has happened before, well... I'm not sure what I did the first time to fix it. I just wondered if it would work, tried, and voila, it decided to load. I hope this time around I could get help and avoid a month long fight with it, though...?
I was in the middle of saving in-game when my computer froze and bluescreened, as is it's habit lately and which I assure you has nothing to do with this topic, and upon logging back in I found the file unusable. I use the 0.9.7 version of DeSmuME, downloaded from the official site, also .6 and .5 at times, with a 3.00 GHz processor. Please don't go overboard with shortened terms and funky data names- I won't know them and I'd rather not be attacked for it. I can provide whatever info might be required when asked.
delete desmume.ini, desmume.cht, and desmume.dct, if they exist, and try again. if that doesnt work, then delete nameofyourgame.dsv and try again. if THAT doesnt work then try downloading desmume again.
What and where are those first three located? Would deleting the dsv delete the all saves, or just the in-game one? And, I've tried doing that for desmume. It's why I installed .7 in the first place, since I first ran on .6
learn to search your hard drive. desmume.ini definitely exists. deleting dsv will only delete the in-game save. if youve already installed a newer desmume *to a different directory* then your problems aren't desmume's fault.
It seems to be working now, thank you. Deleting the dsv from desmume itself seems to have done the trick.
a dsv that was corrupted because you BSOD'd in the midst of writing it could easily destroy desmume.
Definitely good to know if it happens again- or when, I guess. It's been doing it so often lately I never figured it might've been the cause. Seriously, thanks. I couldn't figure it out just browsing the web.
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