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hi im not sure if this is were i post difficulty with dsv files with games or not but it said general topics about broken games so please let me know if this is right. anyway my dsv files are not registering with desumue. Lost in blue 2 makes a dsv file and so does Trace memory but they will not load it. i have moved files and separated files since i read some forums that said it was bc some files can interfere with other files so my games nds files are with the dsv files in there own folder and outside of the folder is the desmume folder and all the little gadgets that came with it. so please can someone tell me why the files are not loading into desmume. thanks Sassy Unicorn
use a newer desmume
i am using the newest one . every emulator i have used always seems to have this problem i dont understand why it can not pick up the saved files. the desumue or whatever lol is the 9.6 version
Last edited by Sassy Unicorn (2010-12-06 05:40:56)
put the emulator and rom on your desktop.
i fixed it myself but thanks anyway
would you mind sharing how