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We won't make a 3DS/2DS emulator.

#1 2009-05-19 20:50:40

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Welcome to the Technical forum! (also: RULES OF THIS FORUM)

This forum is for technical people only. Developers, homebrewers, and folks who know enough to understand part of the big picture. We would like to get some new folks engaged in DeSmuME development, and this is the approach we're trying to attract you: a forum free from questions about pokemon.

This forum will be heavily moderated. If your post contibutes nothing technical, it will be deleted. Bug reports don't count as technical, unless you are a programmer.

If you're just a gamer, we don't want to hear your opinion. All the other forums are for your opinions.


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