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#1 2018-05-18 15:52:10

Registered: 2018-05-18
Posts: 2

Drop in performance after a minor PC upgrade

My PC  specifications were:
OS: Windows 7 32 bit
CPU: Intel Pentium Dual Core 2.5 GHz
Graphics card: Intel GMA 3100

These specs ran every game quite smoothly and even allowed for a decent fast forward. Afterwards, I installed and additional 2 GB of RAM and also installed Windows 7 64 bit. After doing that, desmume did not run as well as before. I tried the 64 bit version of Desmume too. It runs better, but not as good as it did before the upgrade. What might be the reason behind this?


#2 2018-05-18 16:20:34

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Drop in performance after a minor PC upgrade

lousy video drivers. sorry, there's nothing you can do about it besides trying different video drivers, fiddling around with video drivers, and choosing different "display methods" in desmume


#3 2018-05-18 21:06:36

Registered: 2018-05-16
Posts: 9

Re: Drop in performance after a minor PC upgrade

I highly recommend you changed the 3D rendering engine to SoftRasterizer. Your GPU is incredibly weak, so much so that you'd be better off using the CPU to render the graphics.

More than likely what has happened with your RAM is that it is not running in dual-channel mode. This can happen if the two ram sticks aren't exactly the same.

For example, if originally you had two RAM sticks that were 1GB each, then replaced one of them with a 2GB RAM stick. You'd have 3GB now, while before you had only 2GB. But one RAM stick is 1GB and the other is 2GB, so they don't match. The result is that memory access is now way slower. And your GNA 3100 is very dependent on fast memory access to run well.

Using the SoftRasterizer backend will use your CPU to render the graphics instead of the GMA 3100 and should bypass this issue. Be sure to turn on the Dynamic Recompiler, which improves performance at the cost of causing glitches in some games.


#4 2018-05-19 02:20:00

From: USA
Registered: 2014-04-11
Posts: 346

Re: Drop in performance after a minor PC upgrade

You hane a crappy graphics card and a weak cpu.  i would get a NVIDIA GTX 1030 graphics card.  There around 100 dollars and reasonably good card for the price.  i run desmume on an old GT 640 at x3 resolution at full speed via open gl.

i would also upgrade your cpu.  that will help the most since desmume is a cpu hog more than a gpu hog.  Pentium dual core cpus are dirt cheap.  3.4ghz pentium d cpus are like 4 dollars off ebay

You can get a whole another gigahert out of your computer tongue  just get some ARCTIC COOLING MX-2  to replace the thermo compound between the cpu and heat sink … SwHoFXth~P


#5 2018-05-19 04:31:21

Registered: 2018-05-18
Posts: 2

Re: Drop in performance after a minor PC upgrade

I do have rendering engine set to SoftRasterizer and Dynamic Recompiler turned on. I know my pc is quite weak, but what bugs me is that it ran all games perfectly at 60 fps before at all times. Even after adding another RAM stick, everything was same. But after installing windows 64 bit, the problems started. Could it be that the system architecture is somehow related to the performance drop? If that is the case, I might consider going down to 32 bit again.


#6 2018-05-19 09:35:02

Registered: 2018-05-16
Posts: 9

Re: Drop in performance after a minor PC upgrade

Keep in mind that the 32 bit version will work just fine on the 64 bit version of Windows 7. You don't need to reinstall if you want to use the 32 bit version again.


#7 2018-05-25 01:11:22

From: USA
Registered: 2014-04-11
Posts: 346

Re: Drop in performance after a minor PC upgrade

DemiMaximoff wrote:

I do have rendering engine set to SoftRasterizer and Dynamic Recompiler turned on. I know my pc is quite weak, but what bugs me is that it ran all games perfectly at 60 fps before at all times. Even after adding another RAM stick, everything was same. But after installing windows 64 bit, the problems started. Could it be that the system architecture is somehow related to the performance drop? If that is the case, I might consider going down to 32 bit again.

Well try the cpu upgrade.  that will help a lot.  2.5 to 3.4ghz is a big jump


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