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#1 2014-01-04 02:11:57

Registered: 2014-01-04
Posts: 20

OpenGL Display Method and filter

Hi zeromus!

I'm using your r4494 commit feature (win32-add opengl display method) with filter on (the GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER GL_LINEAR). And of course, with the "Magnification Filter" on "Normal", case the bilinear on the opengl is more beautiful for me (just my taste).

Then I have found some more beautiful (at least for me) algorithm to upScaling, the spline36. But this guy is slow for the CPU, but not for the GPU using shader.
On this very good article, we have the theory and some codes: … -with-GLSL

And i found the spline36 fragment shader been used on the remote-joy-lite-fix application with very good results: … line36.psh

Then, I hope, someday, if you have sometime to spend on this, i will be happy on see the option "Config -> Display Method -> Filter" change for chose between "None, Bi-Linear, GLSL Bi-Linear, some GLSL Bi-Cubic, and GLSL spline36 ". The "None" and "Bi-linear" is the actual "on/off" of the "Config -> Display Method -> Filter" option, then i hope at least for some GLSL added on the future.

Thanks for read this, and for the actual "Config -> Display Method -> Filter" option. It's very useful, at least for me ^^


#2 2014-01-04 04:05:23

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,208

Re: OpenGL Display Method and filter

we dont have the infrastructure for GLSL filters right now, and if we ever do, it will be through whatever retroarch and higan use, some sort of semi-standard shader file format. in that case youll be able to use whichever shader you want by selecting the file. but don't hold your breath.

by the way, source codes on codeproject are almost always useless due to the use of the CPOL license

That filter is pretty freaking good though. I'll check it out next time I add GLSL filters to an emulator.


#3 2014-01-06 03:21:18

Registered: 2014-01-04
Posts: 20

Re: OpenGL Display Method and filter

I understand

The article and the code is just for proof of concept (they don't even have the spline36). If I were to suggest something usable, it would be something more professional and mature as the GPL code from xbmc project:
* … deoShaders
I like this kind of solution, is quite elegant (at least for me). But you want the more complete solution for shader, not only filters. So probably this code will not be used too.

By the way, I'm glad you liked of the spline36 too ^^


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