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We won't make a 3DS/2DS emulator.

#1 Re: Support » Setting up DeSmuME » 2008-07-24 18:28:51

Instead of the patch file —which is only useful to developers— you can download a newer,  already patched version of the emulator for Mac OS X here:  (the file is called "")

Then, just drag the unzipped .app into your Applications folder (overwriting the previous version).

#2 General » Patch for Mac version - customizable keyboard bindings » 2008-07-22 00:10:03

Replies: 3

Hi, my name is Julio Gorgé, writing from Spain smile

I have just submitted a patch to the project tracker, which add a couple of enhancements to the Cocoa port of DeSmuME:

- Added basic key mapping configuration to application preferences.
- Added keyboard shortcuts for Execute, Pause and Reset command

Patch: … tid=832293

A precompiled universal binary of DesMuME with the latest changes, for those who might to try it out:

(I'm a newcomer to Cocoa and Objective-C, so my code might be crap)


Finally, I'd like to thank the whole DesMuME team for their work. I'm doing some homebrew DS development, and the emulator allows me to test and develop my apps much faster.

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