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#1 Support II (decommissioned) » Bug in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, Mario & Luigi 3 » 2009-09-12 21:46:40

Replies: 2

For some reason icons don't show up (e.g. directions you're able to go in Layton, action icons in M&L). Why is this?

#2 Re: General » How to "Close the DS" » 2009-03-30 02:26:21

tylerm21 wrote:

Hey how did you get phantom hourglass to work?  I have DeSmuME v0.9.1 and it won't load, just white screen..


You have to do the European version.

#3 Re: Support II (decommissioned) » Saving Games? » 2009-03-29 16:12:01

netoale wrote:


look at my post on zelda Phantom hourglass :
i 've the same problem, and i manage to solve it by creating the .sav file with IdeaS (an other emulator).
1) delete the .sav file.
2) Run your game with IdeaS to create the .sav File. (i d'ont play with IdeaS, because it has a bad sound emulation and it is a little slower than DeSmume)
3) now, you can play and save correctly with DeDmume. (i tested it only with zelda)

Tel me if it work for your game.

I tried doing this, but when I reload it with DeSmuME, the game says the save files are corrupt. Is there something else I'm supposed to do?

#6 Re: General » is v0.7 really better » 2007-05-12 13:53:07

This might be jumping ahead a bit, but will they be released with the 0.8.0 build? (and/or future WIP builds?)

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