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#1 Re: Compatibility » devkitPro and homebrew compatibility notes » 2014-04-11 18:00:29

Is there any update to this, or anything I can do to help figure this problem out? As said above, this code has never failed on me on any combination of DS devices and flashcarts.

#2 Re: Compatibility » devkitPro and homebrew compatibility notes » 2013-09-10 19:03:40

Thanks for the speedy reply! When you say you just return 0 regarding GFX_POLYGON_RAM_USAGE, what do you mean? Currently I am reading from GFX_POLYGON_RAM_USAGE before and after pick testing so if that register isn't forced to 0 then where do you return 0?

Regarding the texture/light issue, everything works fine on hardware, I've tried on both a DS and DSi with multiple flashcards (DS-X, Acekard 2i and an older version with a CycloDS before I lost it). I can't see anything that I could be doing out of the ordinary, I'm using libnds's texture management system, here's a code snippet of my texture loading code (note: a frame here is a texture):

//Load texture into RAM then VRAM
char *mem = fileLoad(texLocation);

glGenTextures(1, &frame->id);
glBindTexture(0, frame->id);
glTexImage2D(0, 0, (GL_TEXTURE_TYPE_ENUM) frame->format, frame->sizeX, frame->sizeY, 0, TEXGEN_TEXCOORD | (frame->wrapX << 16) |
	(frame->wrapY << 17) | (frame->flipX << 18) | (frame->flipY << 19), (u8*)mem);

//Free Texture from RAM

gl_texture_data* texture = (gl_texture_data*)DynamicArrayGet( &glGlob->texturePtrs , frame->id );
frame->texParam = texture->texFormat;
//If this format has a palette, load it into RAM then VRAM
if(!StrEqual(palLocation,(char*) "NULL",&palLocation[4], 4))
	mem = fileLoad(palLocation);
	glColorTableEXT(0, 0, frame->paletteCount, 0, 0, (uint16*) mem);
	//Free Palette from RAM
	gl_palette_data* palette = (gl_palette_data*)DynamicArrayGet( &glGlob->palettePtrs , texture->palIndex );
	frame->paletteAddress = palette->addr;

glBindTexture(0, 0);

#3 Re: Compatibility » devkitPro and homebrew compatibility notes » 2013-09-10 12:58:55

I'm having some compatibility issues with my homebrew ImpulseDS:

- 3D picking doesn't seem to work, I tried with libnds's picking examples which failed too so it seems like an issue with this method of picking. Maybe off-screen rendering isn't supported?
- Textures don't seem to work, I have them enabled but I only get black models. This goes for my splash screens too.

Any help would be appreciated smile

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