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Is there any update to this, or anything I can do to help figure this problem out? As said above, this code has never failed on me on any combination of DS devices and flashcarts.
Thanks for the speedy reply! When you say you just return 0 regarding GFX_POLYGON_RAM_USAGE, what do you mean? Currently I am reading from GFX_POLYGON_RAM_USAGE before and after pick testing so if that register isn't forced to 0 then where do you return 0?
Regarding the texture/light issue, everything works fine on hardware, I've tried on both a DS and DSi with multiple flashcards (DS-X, Acekard 2i and an older version with a CycloDS before I lost it). I can't see anything that I could be doing out of the ordinary, I'm using libnds's texture management system, here's a code snippet of my texture loading code (note: a frame here is a texture):
//Load texture into RAM then VRAM
char *mem = fileLoad(texLocation);
glGenTextures(1, &frame->id);
glBindTexture(0, frame->id);
glTexImage2D(0, 0, (GL_TEXTURE_TYPE_ENUM) frame->format, frame->sizeX, frame->sizeY, 0, TEXGEN_TEXCOORD | (frame->wrapX << 16) |
(frame->wrapY << 17) | (frame->flipX << 18) | (frame->flipY << 19), (u8*)mem);
//Free Texture from RAM
gl_texture_data* texture = (gl_texture_data*)DynamicArrayGet( &glGlob->texturePtrs , frame->id );
frame->texParam = texture->texFormat;
//If this format has a palette, load it into RAM then VRAM
if(!StrEqual(palLocation,(char*) "NULL",&palLocation[4], 4))
mem = fileLoad(palLocation);
glColorTableEXT(0, 0, frame->paletteCount, 0, 0, (uint16*) mem);
//Free Palette from RAM
gl_palette_data* palette = (gl_palette_data*)DynamicArrayGet( &glGlob->palettePtrs , texture->palIndex );
frame->paletteAddress = palette->addr;
glBindTexture(0, 0);
I'm having some compatibility issues with my homebrew ImpulseDS:
- 3D picking doesn't seem to work, I tried with libnds's picking examples which failed too so it seems like an issue with this method of picking. Maybe off-screen rendering isn't supported?
- Textures don't seem to work, I have them enabled but I only get black models. This goes for my splash screens too.
Any help would be appreciated
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