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Pages: 1
OHHHH, songohan155, you made my week!. It works like a charm. >;D.
Everytime I try this I just get the same message saying it failed to build; "Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1"
how do I fix this?.
@songohan155, I can't seem to find an svn 0.9.9 build. It seems that the only builds for that are still not available on the internet, as it would be the "fixed" version of this already making what we're doing here pointless.
0.9.9 isn't available... is it?.
and also, when I use the 0.9.8 build and follow your steps, when I go to build it I get an error message saying that "10.5 leopard contains no buildables that can be built for the SDK's supported by the run destination My Mac 64-bit".
any suggestions on this?.
songohan155, I was also unable to locate how you did this, perhaps you could PM me and explain it a little further?.
Pages: 1