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Didn't see it on the list, so adding it here!
Works fine in the mac version 0.9.
Issues are as follows:
-Text summaries before each map don't display
-Normal saves don't appear to work
-Save states work fine, but every time one is loaded is screws up the sound and bottom screen during gameplay. BUT. Easily fixed by going into a menu. eg. While on the map, press the A button and choosing Units. After that, sound and picture is back to normal.
-Slight graphical glitches here and there, but slight, they're hardly noticeable.
Excellent game, very playable on this emulator. Just keep in mind the fixes above.
I don't know how to change it either. Would someone mind giving me advice.
Opening that file in TextEdit didn't display it properly, so I downloaded a program called PlistEdit Pro and used that.
After opening it, you'll see things on the left like "Left" and "L Button" with their values to the right. Values like "vV". There wasn't a left one, so I added it and made the value "aA" [I've remapped all the control pad to WASD 'cause it feels more natural in games] and yeah. Then I went into the emulator and whatever didn't work, fixed in the preferences there. Left and Right seem a bit fiddly, but with editing the Plist and Preferences it's possible to get them both working without too much effort.
Found it, can't understand how to edit it though.
EDIT: Okay, odd, edited the file but didn't see an option for 'Right' in there. Setting that manually in the Emulator seems to set now I've got Left and Right, but that was all rather weird. At least it works, thanks for the advice.
I just downloaded this emulator the other day, delighted to find that my new Operating System of choice actually has a working DS emulator. xD
And it works pretty brilliantly...apart from not having any left key nor an option to set one. So for now I'm just playing a game I don't need it; the new Fire Emblem game..but yeah, I'd like to enquire about this little issue too.
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